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■危機:蘇丹之死On March 20th, a northern white rhino named Sudan died. Why is Sudan’s death important? Back in 2009, four of these animals were moved from a zoo in the Czech Republic to a conservancy in Kenya. The hope was that they would breed. In 2014, one of the last two males died. Now that Sudan is gone, hopes of reviving the northern white rhino may be gone with him. 一頭名叫蘇丹的北白犀牛今年3 月20 日過世了。這則消息為何受到重視?回到2009 年,當時有4 頭北方白犀牛(北白犀),從捷克動物園被送到肯亞的保育中心進行繁殖。牠們之中包括全球最後兩隻公的北白犀, 其中一隻在2014 年過世。隨著蘇丹也在日前過世,北白犀的復育計畫似乎就此落空了。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }
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